Honey we didn't buy the Zoo!

While I can't remember the first time I had ever visited a zoo, there are definitely some memories that stand out the most.

A short backstory to this tale is the short fact that I am from northern New Jersey, meaning, I have about three of the best mediocre to semi mediocre zoos within an hour radius. Turtleback, Space Farms, and the Bronx Zoo are the only choices that anyone is willing to make. 

And, to be honest, for a kid who doesn't care where they're going as long as they get to see a goat, they were solid choices. They differ in a little bit as to where they succeed but all were pretty solid choices.

Space Farms Zoo & Museum

Space Farms was the go to for my parents. It was close. It was cheap. It had goats. I vividly remember looking at the most gigantic snake the was on display. Every year it would grow bigger and bigger and bigger, in my head I named it Frank. I loved Frank. Until one day he wasn't there anymore. Weirdly enough, we stopped coming around the time that Frank stopped being there.

122 Turtle Back Zoo Photos - Free & Royalty-Free Stock Photos from  Dreamstime

The Turtleback Zoo was a step above Space Farms. It was classier, had more exhibits, and didn't have the air of white trash surrounding it. Turtleback was where I was taken for field trips all through out my elementary school years. 

Bronx Zoo - Wikipedia

And then there was The Bronx Zoo, the piece de resistance, the creme de la creme. The butterfly exhibit is burned into my memory and was one of the best times of my childhood. 

However, the best part of the zoo wasn't ever the animals, no. It was the gift shop. And not even for the reason you're probably thinking, I didn't care about the stuffed animals. I cared about the rocks. 

The rock exhibit and the big bin of rocks in the gift shop was the best part of any trip to the zoo, especially when they hand you a bag of dirt and tell you to have at it.
